This is Orphans Children Home supported by Vision Nepal.
They are 30 children who became victims from earthquakes, civil war and poor chepang tribe.
1.June 29,2010
2.Sept. 7,2010
Officially registered as NGO Vision Nepal. Registration No; 30135
Opening Ceremony
(Attended by top government officials, ministers related to national welfare and other NGO representatives)
3.April 1, 2012
Women Students Scholarship Program launched at Shamjhana Junior Secondary School 2years)
4.Aug. 20, 2012
Eye health camp: Co-sponsored by Standard Charter Bank and Eye Hospital in Nepal 800participants)
Skills training program for women
a) Shoe making training (attended by 30 women for 1 month in Kathmandu)
b) Literacy training for women (July)
c) Childcare and parenting training for women (attended by 40 women)
6. Sept. 2013
Project launched for street children to help children who became homeless and orphans as a result of the 10-year civil war in Nepal.
7. Aug.~Nov. 2014
3 month sewing training for economically underprivileged women and single mothers in the lower caste.
8. April 2015
Agriculture Training launched (25 participants)
9. May~June 2015
Participation in the National Health Camp for Nepal Earthquake victims/ Translation between Japanese doctors (JICA) and Nepalese patients
10. July 2016
Computer Training for a public school (85 students)
Computers were provided for Arunodya secondary school
11. April 2017
Provided stationery and athletic gear for hearing impaired children with special needs. Arunodya High School, Kaski village
12. Nov. 2017
Provided clothes and warm blankets for underprivileged elderly families (80 families) Kaski village.
13. Oct.~Dec., 2019
3-month language training for Nepalese overseas workers (Korean and Japanese).
14. Nov.2019
Agriculture Training
Rainbow Trout farming, rabbit farming in Pokhara
Beekeeping, vegetable farming in Bethanchok municipality/Karvre

15. Aug. 2020
Poultry farming training for women who lost jobs due to their return from overseas because of COVID-19
The above activities are mainly focused on women and children in Nepal. Other activities include exchange programs with other NGOs, agricultural tours between Nepal and Japan, rescuing flood victims and snow fall accidents caused by climate change in Nepal.